Simyo Complete

Simyo Complete

Do you live at an address with fixed KPN internet? You can receive up to 10 GB extra per month for free.

How does Simyo Complete work?

Do you have a Simyo subscription and do you live at an address with fixed KPN internet? You can receive up to 10 GB of extra data per month for free, at no extra costs. You pay the same amount, but will receive more data!

Do you have fixed internet from KPN at home?
Yes No
6 GB 12 GB
+ 400 min/sms
€ 7,50 p/m
10 GB 20 GB
+ 400 min/sms
€ 8 p/m
15 GB 25 GB
+ 400 min/sms
€ 10 p/m
20 GB 30 GB
+ 400 min/sms
€ 13 p/m

Need a phone with that?


  • 6.1 inch screen
  • 48 megapixel camera
  • Since september 2023


  • 6.7 inch screen
  • 50 megapixel camera
  • Since september 2024


  • 6.1 inch screen
  • 12 megapixel camera
  • Since september 2022

How you activate Simyo Complete

Do you have fixed internet from KPN, but you do not see Simyo Complete?

Check whether the addresses of your Simyo subscription and KPN-connection are the same. In order to activate Simyo Complete, the addresses must be exactly the same. If you correct your address today. you can already activate Simyo Complete tomorrow.


Log in

Log in via My Simyo or our app. If you qualify, you'll find the option to activate Simyo Compleet in your overview.


Activeer Simyo Complete. Your bundle benefit starts from the 1st of the following month.


We check whether your address actually corresponds to a fixed KPN internet connection. We will confirm this by email.

What our callers say

5719 reviews
"Top, heel erg top"
"Betrouwbare en betaalbare service, top! Ik raad aan de mensen die internet snelheid en service belangrijk vinden. "
m. sert
"Het werkt prima, meer kan ik ernog niet over vertellen."
"Overgang van Delta/Caiway ging soepel en correct, ervaring tot nu toe met de kwaliteit/verbinding etc. bij SIMYO is gewoon goed"
"Ik was een weekend in Engeland en had slecht tot geen bereik daar. Waardoor ik via whatsapp niet te bereiken was. Alleen op plaatsen waar wifi was. En ja mijn Data roaming stond aan. 26-03-2025 netje…"
claire gerlach
"Mooie aanbieding, simpele overstap en snel geregeld"
"Na een onverklaarbare extreme bundel overschrijding zou ik 300 - 400 Euro moeten gaan betalen voor een extreme data afname in 7 minuten tijd. Na slapeloze nacht werd ik telefonisch gerustgesteld en we…"
Ronald Veloo
"Makkelijke overstap, zo geregeld Dekking is heel goed (KPN) "
Peter Dohmen
"Fantastische service. Ik had deze maand een probleem met plotseling hoog dataverbruik waardoor ik hoog in de kosten was opgelopen. De klantenservice was super vriendelijk en ze zijn me tegemoet gekome…"
Jelle Schelvis
"Er was even een kleine miscommunicatie, maar probleempje werd snel opgelost 😁"
Henk Kooijmans

33 times the best
mobile provider according to
the Consumers Association!


Does Simyo offer number portability?

We do! If we transfer your current number, we will also cancel your current subscription for you. You don't need to tell your current provider yourself. Number portability with Simyo is free of charge.

How do I order Simyo Sim Only?

You can buy your Simyo Sim Only subscription right here on Simyo SIMs are not sold in shops or by phone.

What is Simyo Complete?

With Simyo Compleet, you get bundle benefits every month. And this won't cost you anything. You get this benefit as long as you have a Simyo Sim Only subscription and live at an address with KPN Thuis. When you cancel either one of the products, or if they are no longer at the same address, your benefit of Simyo Compleet automatically expires. When you cancel one of the products or if they are no longer listed at the same address, your benefit of Simyo Compleet automatically expires.

What contract do I have when I select Simyo Complete?

You will receive a contract from Simyo for a Simyo Sim Only subscription. Your KPN contract remains unchanged.

I also have KPN Complete . Can I combine the benefits of KPN Complete with those of Simyo Complete?

KPN Compleet and Simyo Complete are two separate things. That means that you keep your KPN Complete benefits as long as you have at least one active KPN Mobiel subscription in your household. If you switch from KPN to Simyo with number portability and therefore no longer have a KPN Mobile subscription in your household, your KPN Complete benefits will no longer apply. The same goes for Simyo Complete: if you switch from Simyo to KPN with number portability, your Simyo Complete benefits will expire. Want to read more about the conditions of KPN Complete? Click here

What KPN-products are eligible for Simyo Complete?

To use Simyo Compleet, you need a fixed Internet connection from KPN. A fixed KPN internet connection includes the following products:

  • Internet en Basis Internet (met alleen internet)
  • Internet en Bellen
  • Glasvezel InternetPlusBellen en Basis Internet
  • Internet en Interactieve TV
  • InternetplusTV
  • Glasvezel InternetPlusTV
  • Alles-in-1 en Glasvezel Alles-in-1
  • Alles-in-1
  • Glasvezel Alles-in-1 en Glasvezelpakket
  • Internet en TV Basis
  • Internet en TV
  • Internet en TV 4K

Can I still adjust my bundles with Simyo Complete?

Of course you can. The benefit of Simyo Complete is not affected by adjusting your bundles. In fact, you can adjust your bundles on a monthly basis, both up or down.

How many people can make use of Simyo Complete at one address?

A maximum of 10 people with Sim Only subscriptions can make use of Simyo Complete.

My Simyo Complete is about to expire. What can I do?

Did you receive a notification that you are no longer entitled to Simyo Complete? Please check the following things:

  1. Do you still have your internet subscription with KPN?
  2. Check whether the addresses of your Simyo and KPN subscription match.
  3. Did you adjust any privacy settings? If you turn off ‘Personal information’ in My Simyo, we cannot match your address with the one that is known with KPN. To be eligible for the Simyo Complete benefits, you need to turn your privacy settings back on.